Lap Count Increased Modifier [Vega]
Lap Count Increased Modifier [Vega]

This code will change the amount that the lap number increments by when starting a race. Therefore setting the value in the code to 0 will act as an Infinite Laps/No Lap Gains Code. Setting the code value to 4 will allow you to always win the race as long as you cross the start line to get the lap number to 4, you will still win the race even if somebody else finish their legit lap 3. However, this won't beat timer manipulation codes.

0052FEB7 0000000X

005349FF 0000000X

0053437F 0000000X

00522A57 0000000X

X Values:
0 = Laps Never Increased (Infinite Racing)
1 = Default Value of Game
2 = Pass start line, you're on Lap 2, do a lap, now on Lap 4 which is your final lap
3 = Pass start line, you're on Lap 3 which is your final lap
4 = Pass start line, you're on Lap 4 which is your final lap (beat any legit racer even if they finish their lap 3 before your hacked lap 4)

Code created by: Vega

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