DWC_Authdata Spoofer [Vega]
DWC_Authdata Spoofer [Vega]

Also known as User ID Spoofer. This code allows a user to have a fully spoofed DWC_Authdata/User ID. Do not exceed the value of 000009184E729FFF (9999999999999 in decimal). Legit authdatas cannot exceed that limit. If you exceed that limit, a server mod/admin will instantly know you are using spoofing codes. Thus, if you follow this rule, your WWWW value will always be 0000.

Another thing to know, is that you can only make new FCs with your spoofed DWC_Authdata. If you use this code and connect online with an FC made on your 'legit' DWC_Authdata, you will receive error code 60000.

C20ED364 00000004
90E601B0 3CE0YYYY
60E7ZZZZ 90E601B4
80E601B0 00000000

C20ED404 00000004
90E601B0 3CE0YYYY
60E7ZZZZ 90E601B4
80E601B0 00000000

C20ED324 00000004
90E601B0 3CE0YYYY
60E7ZZZZ 90E601B4
80E601B0 00000000

C20ED47C 00000004
90E601B0 3CE0YYYY
60E7ZZZZ 90E601B4
80E601B0 00000000

WWWWXXXXYYYYZZZZ = Your desired DWC_Authdata in HEX

lis r7, 0xWWWW #Load the WWWW value into the upper 16 bits of Register 7, clear the lower 16 bits
ori r7, r7, 0xXXXX #Load the XXXX value into the lower 16 bits of Register 7
stw r7, 0x01B0 (r6) #Store the word (WWWWXXXX) of Register 7 at the address of Register 6 plus offset of 0x01B0
lis r7, 0xYYYY #Load the YYYY value into the upper 16 bits of Register 7, clear the lower 16 bits
ori r7, r7, 0xZZZZ #Load the ZZZZ value into the lower 16 bits of Register 7
stw r7, 0x01B4 (r6) #Store the word (YYYYZZZZ) of Register 7 at the address of Register 6 plus offset of 0x01B4
lwz r7, 0x01B0 (r6) #Load the word at address of Register 6 plus offset 0x01B0 into Register 7; Default Instruction

Code creator: Vega

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