Exclamation  Announcement:  Exclamation

User registration has been changed to Admin Activation only. There has been an increase in spam by 'trolls'. These 'trolls' would register, post various spam, get banned by me, then switch IPs on a VPN, and re-register.

There's nothing I can do to stop VPN usage. In fact, I support it for privacy reasons. I knew this was going to happen sooner or later. I'm surprised the troll-type spamming didn't start sooner. Anyway, all accounts will be manually activated by me.

When a new account gets registered, it will be activated once at least 48 hours has passed. This does not mean accounts get auto-activated. 48 hours is the minimum waiting period.

Thank you for understanding. 
--- Announcement ---


If you were on the forum yesterday, you will notice I was testing many different Forum Theme Colors with multiple different new Banner pics. After a whole day of testing, the theme & banner pic combination you see now is the finalized chosen option. The old Dark Blue Theme with the Moonview Highway pic was getting ancient. I'd figure it was time for a change.

Also, I changed the Avatar Post Display size to 100x100 to exactly match the maximum dimensions allowed for Avatar uploads by a user.

Forum Rank Icons have slightly changed...

- All MKWii Items are used now (before there was no TC, Blooper, and Triple Items)
- Item Pics are enlarged from 35 pixel max to 60 pixel max.
- All Ranks will use a singular amount, instead of certain ranks using multiple amounts of same icon
- Obviously, post count requirements for most items have changed since new items were added

NOTE: You may have to press Shift+F5 on your browser for a hard refresh (clear cache of old images), or press the refresh button while holding down on the CTRL button or Shift button, every Browser varies on this. Visit the link below to view all new item image icons then do a hard refresh on your browser.

Visit the Forum Ranking Thread for more info -
  Heart Happy 1 Year Anniversary!  Heart

A year ago today,  these Forums were first launched on
Exclamation  Announcement Exclamation

MyBB upgraded to 1.8.20
Update on the Admin Activation 48 hour Waiting Period

Obviously, nobody likes waiting periods to sign up. But, it has to be done to prevent some spammers. If you join the discord server and engage in conversation, just tell me your forum user name and I will approve your account instantly.

Link to Discord Server -
Small Update

Post count rankings have slightly changed (just the amount to receive each certain rank). Graveyard has been updated to be a "purgatory" location for threads.
Exclamation  Announcement  Exclamation

User Registration has been changed back to Instant Access.  Tongue However, when a new user registers an account, it will be a Restricted Account. That user can only post in the Site Advancement & General sub-forums until he/she has at least been registered for 24 hours. When the requirements are met, I will upgrade the user's account to full Member. This it NOT an automated process.

Also, Forum Rankings/Icons have changed once again. 

Star is now a Mod  Heart

~ Thanks for reading.
Exclamation  ~Announcement~  Exclamation is now!!!  Heart 

Due to many server + forum changes, please do a hard refresh (or delete your cookies) on your browser! Let me know via discord (Vega#8365) in you encounter any forum issues at all. So far everything appears to be in working order. New SSL certificate has been issued for the new domain. If you try to visit the old domain, nothing will get loaded. I will eventually setup a basic html static page on the old domain.

I will also get to work on changing all hyperlinks within all threads from to as I don't plan on keeping the domain (will let it expire 2 years from now). If you do click on any hyperlink and it doesn't work, replace org with com and it should load the link.

And yes, I know I need to edit the home page banner  Tongue Thx for reading!

New Banner added!  Tongue

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