Make it to 10,000
I have experienced a dream before where I balancing on a high wire connected by two sky scrapers. The weather was really foggy. The length of the wire wasn't that long (sky scrapers were close to each other) so even with the fog you could see both start and end points of the high wire on each sky scraper. But the fog was dense enough you couldn't see farther than that.

Anyway I was on the high wire and noticed a clown was on it too. It was a monster/demon type of clown, and it began to chase me. Obviously when I tried to run away, I fell off the high wire.

When I hit the ground in my dream, I woke up on the floor next to my bed. I fell off the bed during the dream.

You ever had dream like this?
Well not entirely the same but I did dream once that I was on the toilet and I peed irl in my bed
Wear a diaper
Hi vega
Hi Chips
Fish and Chips #1~
Tbh that's kinda like whatever dude like just saying
I'm here to save the day. Don't worry.
But what about the night?
What about it?

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