NAND Transfer Tutorial
How to transfer NAND from one Wii to another

What you need: 
- Two Wiis
- Windows OS (or Wine via Linux)
- Some experience with using Command Prompt (or Wine's emulation of Window's command prompt)
- NANDTools - Add me on discord (vega8365).
- Some experience with Softmodding (you will need to already know how to preform a Hackmii exploit and know how to do a NAND backups/restores via Bootmii)

Ok in this guide, I will teach you how to transfer a Wii's NAND into another Wii. Yes it is possible.

Wii supplying the NAND for transfer = Donor Wii
Wii accepting the NAND from Donor Wii = Receiving Wii

It's common sense that Bootmii needs to be installed on both Wiis already, because you need to get those Wiis' NAND backup files. You will also need the Bootmii folder that belongs to your Receiving Wii (other Wii's Bootmii folders can work as long as the TV mode in the config file is correct). If you don't have this, preform the needed hackmii exploit on the Receiving Wii to reinstall Bootmii. Boomtii folder will be created on the SD card.

NOTE: The Receiving Wii must have GCN ports to be able to preform a NAND restore in Bootmii.

WARNING: It is highly advisable that the Receiving Wii has bootmii boot2 installed. If the NAND transfer bricks your Wii, you will still be able to launch boot2. 
If this happens on a Bootmii IOS Wii, the Wii will be bricked forever. Accepting a NAND transfer with a Bootmii IOS Wii is possible and has been done before, but it's extremely risky.

Preform a standard Bootmii NAND backup of the Donor Wii. Save the nand.bin to your computer and name it nand1.bin. Perform a standard Bootmii NAND backup of the Receiving Wii. Save that nand.bin to your computer and name it nand2.bin

Download and unzip the NANDTools package. Once unzipped, there will be a main NANDTools folder which contains multiple files. Move the NANDTools folder to your Desktop. Now move the nand1.bin and nand2.bin inside the NANDTools folder.

Delete everything off your SD card and add the Receiving Wii's Bootmii folder to it.

Now it's time to use the punetwiin software to do the actual transfer. Open up a command prompt. You will be in the current user account directory.

Type: cd Desktop
Type: cd NANDTools
Type: punetwiin nand1.bin nand2.bin

The punetwiin program will perform a simulated test of the transfer. If no errors occur then..

Type: punetwiin nand1.bin nand2.bin -force

If an error occurred: Get an up to date nand backup from the receiving Wii, if that doesnt work, install a Virgin nand backup on the receiving Wii. 

If that doesn't work then something is corrupted in the Donor NAND. If the receiving Wii has boot2, its safe to try anyway. Do not even think about continuing with errors if receiving Wii has bootmii IOS.

The NAND transfer only takes about 30 seconds. Once completed, delete the nand1.bin file. Rename nand2.bin to nand.bin.

Place the new nand.bin file to the SD card. Now SD will have bootmii folder and the new nand.bin.

Power on the Receiving Wii
Launch Bootmii and re-inject the new Nand via RestoreMii.

Once completed, exit Bootmii back to Wii Main Menu

Even if you are using a Wii Remote that was synced to the Donor Wii's NAND before hand, you still have to re-sync it (which I can't figure out why that is)

IMPORTANT: You will have to reinstall HBC. Do not load the HBC channel until you have reinstalled it. If you do, the scam warning will load then the Wii will freeze. Preform the necessary hackmii exploit to reinstall HBC. HBC now works.

You will see that the Receiving Wii will literally have everything from the Donor Wii: Wii ID, Save Data, Mii Data, Channels, Serial Number, DWC Authdata, Internet Settings, TV settings, etc.

Congratz!! Feel like a pro yet? Tongue

The only thing that won’t be the same is the MAC Address obviously because you’re on a diff Wii with a diff Wifi module.

Note for 4.1 System Menu HBC reinstall users: If you're on 4.1 and are reinstalling HBC (and Donor Wii had my softmod guide on the nand), then there is NO NEED to run WiiMod thru Bannerbomb to reinstall IOS's 58 and 61. Go ahead and delete the boot.dol and rename Hackmii to boot.elf.

Everything in NANDTools package (except Wii Flash Toolz) created by Giantpune
Wii Flash Toolz created by StreamLineHD

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